Lorenzo Versini

picture of myself

Hi! My name is Lorenzo and I am a physicist living in Oxford. If you happen to walk along the Isis in the early morning, you can sometimes see me rowing with the Mansfield College Boat Club. You can use this website to see some of the things I have been doing in my life and you can get in touch with me at lorenzo.versini@physics.ox.ac.uk and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

In a nutshell   🥜

  • DPhil student in the Atomic and Laser Physics (ALP) department at Oxford. I do experimental work on trapped ion quantum computing.
  • Imperial College London alumnus: in 2022 I completed my MSci in Physics at Imperial, graduating with first-class honours and a thesis on applying machine learning to quantum mechanics problems.
  • I received my highschool diploma in Rome, where I also obtained my Violine diploma at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia.

☞ You can find my CV here:    CV

☞ Some of the projects i worked on here,

☞ and you can check out what my master project is about here!

☞ Moreover, you can listen to me talking about Convolutional Neural Netoworks here


I am currently reading (aka studying) for my DPhil (aka PhD) at the University of Oxford. My area of research is experimental quantum computing with a hardware platform called trapped ions. In trapped ion quantum computing, we use atoms as qubits and we use a number of lasers to control their quantum state and perform computations. In particular, in my project I am working on the interconnection of different ion traps, which can be seen as smaller quantum computation modules, into a larger quantum network for quantum computing. My supervisors are Dr Joe Goodwin and Prof David Lucas.

Before coming to oxford I did my MSci at Imperial College London. In my thesis I did a project that involved applying Restricted Boltzmann Machines (which is a machine learning architecture) to the study of many-body Quantum Chaos. My degree also involved a good amount of coursework and laboratories (see pic below), and you can see some of the things I did clicking on the Project tab above.

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A happy Lorenzo and his lab partner in front of the poster they made to illustrate the fluxgate magnetometer they built as part as their first year project.

In 2018 I also completed my Diploma in Violin at the Conservatory in Santa Cecilia in Rome, right before flying to Imperial!


Last year, I am volunteering as Head of Talent Development (HoTD) at ICDSS (Imperial College Data Science Society). In this role, I deliver a series of lectures and workshops which aim to introduce the new members of the society to Machine Learning and Data Science. One of the latest topics I covered was Convolutional Neural Networks, which is an algorithm that is extensively used for many image processing tasks nowadays, and you can see me talk in the video below.

Additionally, two years ago I volunteered as Events Officer in my department student society (PhySoc). Some of the events I contributed to organise included a virtual scavenger hunt for first years in September 2020 and several talks with esteemed speakers, such as Dr. Jaques Arnould or Derek Muller (owner of the Veritasium Youtube Channel!).

As a result of our team effort, we were awarded with the “Best Departmental Society” prize by the Royal College of Science Union (RCSU) at the end of the academic year. I was also personally awarded by RCSU with the “Full Colour” award which recognizes exceptional volunteering efforts.