

You can see below some of the projects I worked on in the past. If you had any questions feel free to drop me an email!

DPhil (PhD)

Project Brief Description Year
Remote entangling of ion Traps Working on the remote entangling of ion traps using photons, in the interest of developing scalable ion trap quantum computers. 2022-2026

Physics and Maths

Project Brief Description Language Year
Quantum Machine Learning Submission for a hackathon on quantum computing. We developed a quantum hybrid neural network. Python (PyTorch & PennyLane) 2022
Quantum Chaos with RBM Master project investigating quantum chaos using Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM). Python (QuTip) 2021-2022
Barabasi-Albert Network I investigated the degree distribution for a random attachment and preferential attachment networks both theoretically and computationally. Python 2021
AI-Hackaton I applied CNN for the prediction of Crop Yield. Together with my team we won the first prize in our cathegory. Python (Tensorflow) 2021
Oslo Model I investigated the Oslo rice-pile model which is an example of Self-Organised Criticality (SOC) Python 2021
Thermal Simulation I solved the steady state heat PDE to simulate a microprocessor using numerical methods. Python 2020
Fresnel Simulation Investigated the Point Spread Functions of an Oblique Plane Microscope using a scalar light field model. Python 2020

Hardware based

Project Brief Description Year
Pulse Oximeter I built a pulse oximeter using a $\mathtt{PIC18F87K22}$ microprocessor by Microchip Technology. I wrote the code in Assembly with my lab partner (check the repo). 2021
Fluxgate Magnetometer I built a fluxgate magnetometer sensor from scratch. The readings were collected with a readout circuit and output on an LCD with an Arduino board 2019

Software Engineering

Project Brief Description Language Year
Flutter App I worked on a Flutter Application. The software interacted with a Bluetooth Server hosted on a Raspberry Pi to configure its wifi settings. Based on flutter_reactive_ble library. Dart (Flutter) 2021