You can see below some of the projects I worked on in the past. If you had any questions feel free to drop me an email!
DPhil (PhD)
Project |
Brief Description |
Year |
Remote entangling of ion Traps |
Working on the remote entangling of ion traps using photons, in the interest of developing scalable ion trap quantum computers. |
2022-2026 |
Physics and Maths
Project |
Brief Description |
Language |
Year |
Quantum Machine Learning |
Submission for a hackathon on quantum computing. We developed a quantum hybrid neural network. |
Python (PyTorch & PennyLane) |
2022 |
Quantum Chaos with RBM |
Master project investigating quantum chaos using Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM). |
Python (QuTip) |
2021-2022 |
Barabasi-Albert Network |
I investigated the degree distribution for a random attachment and preferential attachment networks both theoretically and computationally. |
Python |
2021 |
AI-Hackaton |
I applied CNN for the prediction of Crop Yield. Together with my team we won the first prize in our cathegory. |
Python (Tensorflow) |
2021 |
Oslo Model |
I investigated the Oslo rice-pile model which is an example of Self-Organised Criticality (SOC) |
Python |
2021 |
Thermal Simulation |
I solved the steady state heat PDE to simulate a microprocessor using numerical methods. |
Python |
2020 |
Fresnel Simulation |
Investigated the Point Spread Functions of an Oblique Plane Microscope using a scalar light field model. |
Python |
2020 |
Hardware based
Project |
Brief Description |
Year |
Pulse Oximeter |
I built a pulse oximeter using a $\mathtt{PIC18F87K22}$ microprocessor by Microchip Technology. I wrote the code in Assembly with my lab partner (check the repo). |
2021 |
Fluxgate Magnetometer |
I built a fluxgate magnetometer sensor from scratch. The readings were collected with a readout circuit and output on an LCD with an Arduino board |
2019 |
Software Engineering
Project |
Brief Description |
Language |
Year |
Flutter App |
I worked on a Flutter Application. The software interacted with a Bluetooth Server hosted on a Raspberry Pi to configure its wifi settings. Based on flutter_reactive_ble library. |
Dart (Flutter) |
2021 |